Spanisch & Surfen (wahlweise) Kurse – Level A1 / A2 – Fuerteventura, 5 Tage Bildungsurlaub

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- Mo, 17.02.25 bis Fr, 21.02.25
- Mo, 24.02.25 bis Fr, 28.02.25
- Mo, 03.03.25 bis Fr, 07.03.25
- Mo, 10.03.25 bis Fr, 14.03.25
- Mo, 17.03.25 bis Fr, 21.03.25
- Mo, 24.03.25 bis Fr, 28.03.25
- Mo, 31.03.25 bis Fr, 04.04.25
- Mo, 07.04.25 bis Fr, 11.04.25
- Mo, 14.04.25 bis Fr, 18.04.25
- Mo, 21.04.25 bis Fr, 25.04.25
- Mo, 28.04.25 bis Fr, 02.05.25
- Mo, 05.05.25 bis Fr, 09.05.25
- Mo, 12.05.25 bis Fr, 16.05.25
- Mo, 19.05.25 bis Fr, 23.05.25
- Mo, 26.05.25 bis Fr, 30.05.25
- Mo, 02.06.25 bis Fr, 06.06.25
- Mo, 09.06.25 bis Fr, 13.06.25
- Mo, 16.06.25 bis Fr, 20.06.25
- Mo, 23.06.25 bis Fr, 27.06.25
- Mo, 30.06.25 bis Fr, 04.07.25
- Mo, 07.07.25 bis Fr, 11.07.25
- Mo, 14.07.25 bis Fr, 18.07.25
- Mo, 21.07.25 bis Fr, 25.07.25
- Mo, 28.07.25 bis Fr, 01.08.25
- Mo, 04.08.25 bis Fr, 08.08.25
- Mo, 11.08.25 bis Fr, 15.08.25
- Mo, 18.08.25 bis Fr, 22.08.25
- Mo, 25.08.25 bis Fr, 29.08.25
- Mo, 01.09.25 bis Fr, 05.09.25
- Mo, 08.09.25 bis Fr, 12.09.25
- Mo, 15.09.25 bis Fr, 19.09.25
- Mo, 22.09.25 bis Fr, 26.09.25
- Mo, 29.09.25 bis Fr, 03.10.25
- Mo, 06.10.25 bis Fr, 10.10.25
- Mo, 13.10.25 bis Fr, 17.10.25
- Mo, 20.10.25 bis Fr, 24.10.25
- Mo, 27.10.25 bis Fr, 31.10.25
- Mo, 03.11.25 bis Fr, 07.11.25
- Mo, 24.11.25 bis Fr, 28.11.25
- Mo, 15.12.25 bis Fr, 19.12.25
Beliebte KurseZeit für DichBildungsurlaub ist für Dich. Lerne hier wie Du in 4 Schritten zum Bildungsurlaub kommst. Eigentlich ist es gar nicht kompliziert. Schau einfach mal rein! Jetzt loslegenErhalte heiße Kursangebote
An Freunde weiterleitenBildungsurlaub:
Learn Spanish while having fun (and sun) while surfing – that’s possible on this Spanish educational holiday on the Canary Island of Fuerteventura (Spain). We are sure you will have a great experience here and return home with lots of knowledge, new friends and fantastic memories.
Who we are
Our Spanish school offers official Spanish educational holidays. Our school has always strived to offer personalized and high-quality teaching. “Make the most of your time” has been our mission since we opened in 2011. Since then, hundreds of students have learned Spanish and enjoyed the sea with us. We look forward to seeing you!
The steps to educational leave
- You can start your educational leave on any Monday of the year
- If you contact us using one of the three buttons, we will provide you with all the necessary documents so that you can submit a formal application for educational leave to your employer. This is completely free and non-binding for you.
- As soon as you have received your employer’s approval, we will secure you a place on the certified Spanish educational holiday.
More options
In addition to taking part in the educational leave Spanish seminar, our school also offers the following services:
- Accommodation in “Casa Carmen”, our student residence with sea views, which is perfectly located in the city: 2 minutes walk to the nearest beach.
- Surf courses at different levels, all inclusive.
- You may also join other activities, such as Yoga, Kitesurfing, Wingfoil etc
- We are also happy to organize an airport shuttle for your convenience.
* We would like to point out that only the Spanish course accounts as part of the official educational leave programme. The school organizes students’ schedule in the best way so that Spanish & Surfing are compatible.
Answers to frequently asked questions:
How is my Spanish level determined?
Course participants who are not beginners take a placement test before the educational leave, which you will receive online after contacting us.
Is accommodation included?
Accommodation is not included in the course price, but we will be happy to organize a room for you in our student residence with a sea view.
How does the journey go?
The participants must organize their own travel.
Learn & have fun!
We are excited to propose you a Blast Program: Enjoy learning Spanish while having fun (& sun) Surfing, all that taking place in an inspiring heavenly island like Fuerteventura, Canary Islands (Spain). We are sure you will enjoy a great experience that will make you return home with interesting new friends and fantastic memories.
About Us
We are a Fresh & Cool Spanish school providing official Bildungsurlaub (BU) Spanish Seminars. Our School has always strived to deliver personalized-quality teaching. “Make the most out of your time” has been our mission since we opened back in 2011, ever since, hundreds of students have learned Spanish and have enjoyed the ocean with us. We are looking forward to having you on board!
How to Enroll
The process is simple:
- Start your BU Seminar on any given Monday of the year, all year round, join 1 or 2 weeks, you name it!
- We will provide you with all the required documents to formally request your employer for approval. We’d like to remind you this is totally free of charge and non-binding from your end.
- Once you get acceptance from your employer, we will secure a spot for you on the BU Certified Spanish Seminar
- Besides joining the BU Spanish Seminar, our school also provides:
- Housing at Casa Carmen, our Student residence with Ocean Views perfectly located in town: 2 min. walk to the nearest beach.
- Surfing courses at different levels, all included:(*)
- Ask us about other Water Activities: Kitesurf, SUP…
- Airport shuttle return:
BU Certification
(*) We’d like to point out that Surfing is an optional activity that is NOT accounted for as part of the Official BU Spanish seminar. The school arranges the schedule of students in the most convenient way, making Spanish & Surfing sessions compatible.
#Kanarischen #Kanarische Inseln #Fuerteventura #Corralejo #Sprachkurse #Sprachkurs #SpanischKurs #Spanisch lernen
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Bald geht’s für Dich in den Bildungsurlaub! Einfach das Formular ausfüllen und die Buchungsanfrage unverbindlich abschicken. Im Nachgang erhältst Du die Buchungsinformationen vom Anbieter per Mail.
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Du hast weitergehende Fragen zum von Dir ausgewählten Kurs?
Kontaktiere hier den Seminaranbieter. - Mo, 24.02.25 bis Fr, 28.02.25